Sunday, May 22, 2011

2 weeks old

Today results came back from the echo ultrasound taken of Kai's heart (of the pda) the other day and showed that the pda is "small" and the doctor told me he's going to pretend like it's not there, so no action needed at this time! So because of that they started him on milk feedings. So far he's tolerating the milk, he gets 2ml every 3 hours. The nurse told me sometimes his stomach might not always break it down so don't be suprised if he has ups and downs with feedings. His oxygen is up a little higher because he had a lot of dsats where there's not enough oxygen in his blood at a time which restricts the use of certain organs. 
The last thing is his head circumference measurement and today its still 24cm, no significant changes in size, which is a good thing right now. 
His next head ultrasound will be this Wednesday so I'll keep everyone posted.

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